Saturday, 29 October 2011
Amelia went for a campso I'm left all alone in my roomtyping this blog postwith a tin of biscuits beside me HAHAHA :P!I think this blog post is going to be quite looooongso brace yourselves! :D18 of us signed up to paint one room flats together so we met up in our green class tees last Saturday I think we looked quite intimidating and attracted a lot of attention :P We were like some green girl gangBut it became a class outing instead! xD Cos there was a manpower overload So in the end we went to Scape and played Indian Poker LOL (Y)It was fun but awkward at the same time because it was an open space where many teenagers were dancing hiongly then we were like a group of aunties playing cards noisily bleh! :PWoon kept getting bullied D:
so she became super honest hahaha!! xDD
Luckily she was sitting beside me so
even if Weihui sabo me I also won't get tricked! :PWe saw Mr Patrick Ting there too!
It was super funny cos Haoqing saw him there before
and was wondering if we would see himAnd we did (Y)
Gennie 起立行礼ed and all of us stood up and greeted him!
Like "Good afternoon Mr Ting~"
which shocked him but he's secretly honoured I think :DDPaper checks were rather interesting and exciting ;DIt's interesting to observe the ways teachers tried to quieten us downSome teachers threatened to not return us our paperswhereas others used the soft approachand said things like"girls, this will be the last time your ___(subject) teachers talk to you"Ms Chee as usual was creative"Young ladies~" (Y)Mrs Van Dijk was the funniest!!"Van Dijk won't start until all of you are quiet" xDDMr Ting totally sounded like he's reading out 4D numbersand 念经ing when going through with us the answers x__xMr Kaw was so agitatedwhen going through with us certain mistakeshe seemed like he's going to vomit blood there and then :OMs Chia was half-amused half-agitated O.Oshe has a nice voice! :)I was paiseh-ing when reading all those grammar mistakesmade in my SRQso many circles! :OOToday's math paper check was epic! xDSome girl was sleeping I thinkthen Mrs Wong said something like"I'm going to delete you from my facebook friends.I just added her yesterday. But she's sleeping when I'm talking. I'm going to delete herfrom my facebook"CUTE MAX (Y)When Mr Khoo went up408 (headed by Haoqing) was cheering for him like mad ^^Then Mr Khoo was so cool!!!He adjusted the mike and said in an uber cool and charismatic and composed manner"Thank you for your support"-Jermia starts zi-highing in her empty room--while munching her cookies ^^-After that 408 started being highand cheered loudly for Mrs Lai also when she briefed us ;DShe's our presiding examiner for HCL Os yayyy!!OHHH today I was trying to pass something to Mrs LaiI was supposed to pass it to her by 12 and I was late But she wasn't at her desk so I began to peek through all the windows outside the Science Department for Mrs Lai 的影子Then when I finally saw her from outside a windowI was so happy I began cheering outsideand waved frantically trying to attract her attentionbut obviously I failed terribly lah xOAfter that Mr Eric Tan spotted this desperate siaozaborjumping up and down outsidethen then thenhe closed the curtain leh!! DxTraumatised muchbut Yilin and I didn't give up hope!She helped me knock (actually it sounded more like a bang :X)on the window but nvmwe were ignored :)Luckily Mrs Phua helped us! YAYYYso nice ;DShe has a calming and reassuring smile!As a result I was late for Mr Tay's...speech? .__.I thought he asked us to stay backcos he wanted to give us presentsfor meeting his expectation of MSG 1.5(408 got 1.44 woohoo! :DD)So I looked around the classroom for bigbig plastic bagsbut don't have larh D:But Mr Tay's words of advicewere actually a lot more meaningful than him giving us presents :)What is Mr Tay's purpose in making this speech?I think he's trying to urge us to be more independent in JCbecause like what he has saidthe teachers over there may not pay as muchattention to us as Nanyang teachers do (this is the context!)He's trying to highlight to us the fact thatit's going to be a tough jouney in JCand that we really have to put in a lot more effort in the things we doI think Mr Tay is jiayou-ing us in his own way too :)It's touching how he took the timeto see us after school and tell us all these stuffsIt really does show that he cares for us from the bottom of his heartJust did a mini-purpose answer hahaha! ;DIf it's graded I'll probably score 0 out of 5 I'm not going to take econs next yearso I guess I won't have the chance to doPOV inference reliability and utility questions anymorebut I'll really miss doing SBQs As much as it was a pleasure teaching our class to Mr TayI think 408 is really happy to have him as our IH teacher too!Awesome max :):)Aiyo so emo I shall share with yall something quite funny! :DDRead our testimonials todayand like what Mr Khoo has saidit's really quite exaggerated lor hahaha! xDXiuyi's was the most epicsomehow she turned from a Jap student to an MEP studentand even obtained 2nd position in Malay HAHAHA!! ^^Then today we were queueing up for our favourite鱼片米粉 in the canteen when we sawour epic friend Mr Chongwho didn't have a spoon to eat his mixed veg de food with xDD!So I told him he could consider using the spoon from the noodles store (which was also out of stock :P)Then he said, "I'm also thinking of that" (Y)!In the end he ate his rice with chopsticks AHAHAHAHAReminds Shumin Xiuyi and I of the timeswhen all of us ate with him in Beijing ;DWas having an interesting conversation with Kaikai just nowand we started wonderingwhen 408 started going gaga over Mr KhooAccording to this blog's archiveswe started liking Mr Khoo in April 2010because he postponed a math quiz which made us very happy and Haoqing uber high xDThis was coupled with the fact thataround that time Mr Khoo was awarded"The Most Caring Teacher Award"Then under Haoqing's influenceall of us began to really appreciate and respect him :):)Wow the wonders of archives! :DIt keeps memories :)And through the difference in style of writingI realised Jermia has really grown and matured! ^^We were also saying408 is going to go 拜年 at our teachers' housesnext year during Chinese New Year! ^^(Credits to Woon for the awesome idea)SO FUN AND EXCITINGGGGG!!We are going to ask the whole class to join inand hopefully the teachers will agree!If all of us give 2 mandarin oranges eachto every teacherthen each of the teacher will receive68 oranges each hahaha!! SPAM ORANGEEEEh this is not a joke kayyy ;DI think it's going to be really fun xDWe can imagine Mr Tan giving us hongbaowith chocolate coins insideThen Mr Tay will have soooo many orangesthat he will put them inside that blue colour bagand push it to his studentslike what he did to us during our War Memorial Trip xDYang Laoshi's house has manymany cactiso we have to be careful in case we get pricked :PWe think she's the most probably will agree one :)Then after visiting Mrs Lai all of us have to stay backto help her clean up! As for Mr Kaw we will visit him in the Boarding Schoolhahaha! All of us shall try to fit inHe most probably won't give us hongbaoso we won't mind him just treating us to new year goodiesHis room surely got loads of snacks one!I think Ms Chee's house will be super coolwith loads of soft toys and anime stuffs xDWhen we visit Mr Khoowe can seek his help in teaching us maththen we can have another Math lesson againin his house heehee!! ^^It's so fun I'm looking forward to it already :DDOkay enough of my daydreamingshall start collating jokes for our 408 joke book!!408 is awesome x3
Jermia hopped off at 00:58
Thursday, 20 October 2011
JERMIA STRIKES BACK WITH A NEW POSTAFTER 11 DAYS OF MIA-INGKONNICHIWA EVERYBODY! ^^408 GOT THE 模特儿 CLASS AWARD YAYYY!! xDIt's really amusing how being the model classmade 408-ers more conscious of our image and behaviourso as to uphold the name of our class :PLike on that day when we were supposed to carry our tables to the hallour class shun bian-ed cleaned up the classroomThen Mrs Lai and the cleanliness reps were likeModel class must do this! Model class must do that!And very surprisingly many of our classmatesbegan to clean up the classroom with suchnever-before-seen enthusiasm HAHAHA! XDIn the pastif the cleanliness reps asked the class to clean uppeople sure kameh zao one lor :XIt's touching how 408-ers put in effort to uphold our nameand to prove to others that we're deserving of the award ;DGot one time Mr Khoo commented onus being the model classMK: "I always wonder why you can get the award"(Looked at the messiness of our sidetable)MK:"Because you can walk like models issit!"(Mr Khoo began to imitate a model doing catwalk)Haoqing: "HAHAHA MR KHOO YOU LOOK LIKE A PENGUIN!!"(Haoqing imitated Mr Khoo's Penguin-walk)which made all of us laugh like madincluding Mr Khoo!! ;DDAnw we figured out that Mr Khoo surelywas one of the teachers who voted for us lor!We can sense that Mr Khoo likes our classand he will miss us like how we will miss him D:Mr Kaw surely one lahHe said we are deserving of the award! ^^Talking about Mr KawI must spread his fail-ness to the whole world :PYesterday morning Gennie and I went back to schoolfor our "secret mission"then he was also in school for marking I think O.OHe told us that he didn't realise until the EOY exams thatYongxin has a twin sister! xOMKaw: "No wonder when I wave to this girlI always got ignored. Now I know why"HAHAHAHA!!! 失败 TTM~Let's add this 失败ness to our 408 joke book! :PTalking about 失败ness reminds me of Seow Jiexiwho got scared by me again on Monday muahahaha!! xDDNOOBIE JIEXI~Yala yala you succeeded sometimesbut your success rate is like 10% onlycompared to Jermia Lai's 100%! xDYou still have to put in so much effort to hide here hide there somemore!But don't cry. Don't be sad JiexiEven though you're noobI still love youuu ;DThere was this time before our Jap O-levelsMinghui Xiuyi Weihui Shumin Chiaying and I were sittingoutside the auditoriumThe 6 of us were sitting in a semi-circle so therewas an empty space in frontThen a group of visitors walked pastand spotted the 6 of us Seeing how chio we are (I think o.o)a lady requested to take a photo with the 6 of us!We agreed then many more peopledecided to take photos with the 6 of us too LOL!! xDWe were super co-operative and posed for them somemoreWe even took the effort to be glamand curbed our inner desires to do funny faces :PIt was only when all of them were about to leavethat Minghui and Weihui asked them which country they were fromThen when they said they were from Thailandall 6 of us 很有默契地 clapped our handsbow our heads and said "Sawadikap"Then don't know who told us we salah alreadycos we were supposed to say "Sawadikah" insteadMalu to the max xOI shall not talk about the EOYs so boringbut I must comment on a funny thing I observed during the examsSometimes when I look at the teachers when taking a breakeven though my vision was super blurafter staring at my exam papers for a long period of timeI thought I saw some teachers smiling to themselves! :OOI hypothesise that teachers derive joyin seeing the super hiong and chiong-ah! looks students havewhen they do their examsso 幸灾乐祸 leh!And I think I'm going to have diabetes soon D;I finished one whole pack of marshmallows(thank you shumin and weihui for correcting my spelling mistake :P)within a few days omytian xOEspecially after brain-draining papers like MathI sent 3 marshmallows down my digestive systemat one go each time xP RAWR HOWWWAnd Mrs Lai is so nice :DDWhen she gave us our papersshe would wish us best of luck one :)Then I observed that when Ms Chee gave out papersshe would bow or nod her head a bitto every of her students hahaha!! Cute max ;DI must write this paragraph downso that I can remind myself 10 years laterhow Weihui's taste buds are deteriorating rapidlyWeihui is currently fangirling over this Japanese RI guycalled atsu something somethingwhom she saw (saw only hor! like SEEEEE) during our Jap OsI don't really like him because during Jap Oralhe disrupted my cool plan to zipai with Weihui's cameraand forced me to retreat to a secluded corner insteadAs a result I had no time to set my photo as Weihui's wallpaper! Hmph :(Went to KBox with a group of siaozabors yesterday
and sang to our heart's content! :DD
High-ed when singing songs like
朋友 恋爱ing 爱转角 中国话 新不了情 梁山伯与朱丽叶
精武门 (which was really ironic
because it's a song about this guy who can dance really well
but it's so weird for 同手同脚 people like
Woonyee Kaixuan Weihui and me to sing the song
like so high-ly somemore xP)
And we sang Ten Little Indian Boys too!! :DDWhen singing 背对背拥抱Shumin was wondering how they couldhug with their backs facing each otherthen the two of us tried 背对背拥抱ingand it looked more like a children's game instead hahaha! xDReturned Weihui her Facebook account on TuesdayBefore returning it to herI decided to give her a warm welcome back to FB:1. WEIHUIIIIIII is doing The Ugly Dance. Don't miss it!(in courtesy of Hilary :DD)"Watch me dance! Awesome(Y)"2. "the first thing I want to say after EOY ended is... Hilary Lau Yee Kai Xuan and Jermia Bases Lai are the best people on Earth! ♥"3. Changed her profile pic to a weird one4. Weihui likes Hot Guys and COOL GUYS.5. Weihui is now using Facebook in ქართული.Yayyy so creative right! xDDAll of these were done in collaborationwith the two other best people on Earth :D
Just for Laughs From a Long Long Time Ago...1. Math after IH lesson:MK: "Why are yall so excited?Just because a handsome man just walked out issit!"Haoqing: "And because a handsome man just walked in!" (Y)MK: "Mr Tay is the kind of boyfriend you will look for right?Good-looking......and BIGGGG"2.Ms Chee: "If I exercise everydayI will become like Mr Benson Tay!"3.MK: "They don't write Certificate of Participation.They write Certificate of Proficiency instead.It means even though you didn't do as wellat least you are PROFICIENT in Math.Which is better lah -nods-" :DDDMy sister and I fell in love withRick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up MV! ^^We always do his Rock n Roll danceSo coolio~ (Y)Get well soon Mr Lee!!
Jermia hopped off at 16:13
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Had my Jap oral on Friday! :)It was a lot better than my prelim oral xOThat time during Prelim oralthe teacher asked me what I do in Maplestory Adventuresthen I wanted to say I kill monsters (youka)but I said "yoka" instead which made the sensei look very confusedThen I don't know how to say kill mahSo I was like "kawaii yoka wo ....... -stucked-"Then I began giving the sensei that fierce glarewith loads of hand gestures suggestingthat I was killing something hoping that the sensei could prompt mebut she just continued staring at methen I gave up after nearly 20 secondsof crazy gesturing DxMy O level Jap Oral teachers both taught me before :DOne of them was Fujimoto senseiwho taught me for a few lessons in Sec 1in Ghim Moh before I transferred to BishanThen the second one was Elaine Ang senseiwho taught me in Sec 2 andthe sensei whom I dreamt gave me anegative score for my Jap Prelim Listening :PHeehee they were very nice and smiley :):)Was revising with WeiMingHui the pronunciation of some kanjisand so luckily and fortunately some of them came out!幸せです!^^The questions asked were rather unexpected likewhere and how often do I go to do shoppinghow many times have I gone to Sentosaand whether I know how to make Sushi O__OI thought it was quite okay! :DDJust that after I came out of the roomI realised my grammar was quite bleh xP例えば:私は日本語を勉強しますです。-.-llWas so nervous during the oral that once I came out of the room I felt the adrenaline rushthen I began running down the staircaseall the way from the 4th floor to the 1st floorthen ran while hopping and jumping through the corridorall the way to the canteenYAYYY!!! 終わりました! xDYeong Sensei! 私は悪い学生ではありません!! ^^Saw Yeong Sensei in the MOELC canteen after thatWoah he broke my hearthe dao-ed my two outbursts of 热情 de waves leh D:先生、お久しぶりです!Went to buy KOI with Hilary Weihui and Callie after OralApparently HCJC's J1 students just finished their promosthen a group of people was asking me to help them take photosI think they regretted asking me lor AHAHAHAHA!! :XThe camera so chim I took a long time to figure out how to take a photo :(By that time their smiles were like jiang diao alreadyThen the owner of the propro camera looked so worried that I would destroy his camera xOI shall be boring and end this post with a comment about our EOYs ;DNanyang teachers are awesome max ^^对面的 setters are baaad :(
Jermia hopped off at 22:12
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Mr Kaw gave us a chocolate each today! ^^
Woah he 豁然开朗 and became so nice suddenlyI wonder if he's Mr Kaw AHAHAHAHA xDHe said we are allowed to eat itin times of "emergency"Decided to resist my temptation to eat it nowsince I'll most likely need it tomorrow :)I wanted to put Mr Kaw's chocolateand Ms Chee's marshmellow together so that I'll have the "KI" to studyBut after I happily went homeI realised my marshmellow was no longer on my table!T______________TThen I asked popo where my marshmellow wasI thought to myself thenif my siblings ate it I will SQUASH themthen BEHEAD them then CHOP them into piecesbut....Popo: HUH 是你的啊!我吃了leh!Jermia:
...what can I do...Other than giving my popo that I'm so sad lookand popo giving me that she's so guilty look D;The marshmellow is already chewed into smaller piecesto increase its surface area to volume ratio for chemical digestionand converted into maltose from starchby the salivary amylase then it travelled downthe oesophagus by peristalsis into the stomach where it was churnedthen it went into the small intestine wheremore of it was digested into maltose by pancreatic amylaseand the maltose was digested into glucose + glucose by maltaseNow it's happily living as glycogenin the liver and muscle cells of my popo T.T
It's okay T.TI'm going to buy a packet of marshmellowsTHAT EXACT SAME EGO BRANDand try to convince myself that it's Miss Chee Marshmellow;(It's the thoughts that count rightMiss Chee's thoughtsand my thoughts Dx
Jermia hopped off at 12:18
ONE. click on those words at the bottom which says 'LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO
TWO. You can click those two last words,'Go Round' again to see the
changes as in you can still navigate with those two.
THREE. Please click accordingly to the style of the words and not click here& there or else it wouldn't work!
FOUR. Hope I have explain clear enough so now CLICK THEM PLEASEEE! xD
♥ Jermia