Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Today was a great day! ^^I saw three of my ex-classmates cum 6Agapians xDSaw Earl on bus 74 on the way to school in the morningso coincidental :D anw he's so nice he smiled and waved back when I waved to him :)but aiyah I feel so badcos I was laughing at him behindhe looks so 爽 sitting beside a chiobu!! LOLS XD!:XSaw Andrew when I was buying KOI with Homo Huiafter Jap Oral =D he became so TALLLLLLL~ xOso mean leh him he laughed so happily when he heard myepic failure Jap Oral story tsk x__xllthen we started ranting about EOYs, school etche's nice cos he doesn't act cool like other 6Agapian guys :)-ahems- -coughs-like the third person la -__-llI was talking with Weihui then I saw himI waved to him then he totally gave me this"why are you waving to me! I shall not look at you!" lookO__O Eh! I shall introduce you to Mr Khooand he shall give you a lesson on courtesy okay! xPMR KHOO'S LIFE LESSONS~ (Y)!During math class todayMr Khoo was passing around the mark sheet for CA2some errr... "caring" people were checking other ppl's marks also mathen I think Mr Khoo abit 看不下去 and said"Girls, you only need to check your marksIf not I'll have 20++ girls checking 310 people's marks"LOLS!! I wanted to laugh out loudbut I couldn't or else I would have destroyed the conducivemath-problems-solving atmosphere :OHAHAHA THUMBS UP TO MR KHOO (Y)Mr Tan Boon Hian was so happy today! =DI don't know whyI hope it's not because today was the last lessonwe had with him for this year :Ohe showed us videos of this girlscreaming/singing/shouting high-pitched-lyuntil a glass cup broke O.Oand this bridge collapsing due to some veryhigh frequency sound waves thingyWAH~ so dangerous... x__xMrs Lai is the one of the most hardworking teacher I've ever had :DDshe sacrifices her break to teach us during lunchand stays in school late til 8.30pm to giveher students night classes! :OI think she's a really dedicated teacher ^^Jap oral was okay except for some reallyreally embarrassing parts that made me want tobang myself against a wall xPAnd I think the sensei has the impression thatI'm a girl crazy over disneylands :Ohe asked me where I went in HongkongI answered disneylandhe asked me where I would want to goI answered Japan's disneylandthen he looked like he's going to burst out laughing :P!I left my wallet on the bus to MOELC today :OI need to 闭门思过 and write a reflection on my 不乐不乐-ness :(but thanks alotalotalot to the general office ladythe bus uncle found my wallet ^^at first I thought it would be very goodif I get back my IC and my ez-link card alreadyBut to my pleasant surpriseeverything was still intact! :DDDthe uncle was so kind ;)I wanted to go collect it from himbut he offered to come to my house to return me my wallet ;DThis made me happy for a longlong time cosI see the very kind and angelic side of people again ;Dwe see incidences of dishonesty and greed everydaythen we start to lose our confidence in people and mankindbut does that mean we should abandon our ability to trustand start to suspect everyone around us?At first I thought the bus uncle would take away my allowance for the weekbut not only did he not take a single cent from mehe even offered to return it to me at my doorstepThis act of kindness not only warmed my heartit made me feel so ashamed of myself at the same time :(Mutual trust between family members, friends and even strangersis important :D人之初性本善If we faint on the road we trust that strangers will call 995If we are stranded on some orlulu island we trust that passing ships and fishing boats will save usIf we sit on the seat near the window we trust that the person sitting beside us will make way for us to get outAhhh the world is a beautiful place afterall :)Thank you Laokai HomoHui MelMel Dorothy and Calliefor calming me down when I lost my wallet ahahaha 心配しないで~ =DMy popo was so happy when my siblings and Isaid that the dinner she cooked was deliciousshe began grinning from ear to earand shoved all the dishes onto our platesuntil there was only a little left for herself ;DDFor hera little word of appreciation is enough for the effort and hardwork she put in for the family :)
Suggested readings:
Kaixuan and I found the blog post
on the meaning of love rather thought-provoking
but nonono we don't stalk him kay~ :)
Jermia hopped off at 17:59
Sunday, 26 September 2010
2 weeks have passed since the start of Term 4 :OThe EOY exams are coming really really soonother than us (aka students) I can see that the teachers are uber uber stressed too :(They look so tiredI can see dark eye rings on some of their faces D:2 more weeks to Fudan trip! :DDI look forward to it but feel quite 舍不得 at the same timeI might sound a bit gila-ly crazy but I'll miss school a lotNANYANG~!!! T.TJiayou mugging everyone :)Regina Brett's 45 Life Lessons... and 5 to Grow On1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. (YESYESYES!! ^^)
11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don’t compare your life to others’. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.
16. Life is too short for long pity parties. Get busy living, or get busy dying.
17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: “In five years, will this matter?”
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
35. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
36. Growing old beats the alternative – dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood. Make it memorable.
38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.
41. Don’t audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
42. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
44. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
45. The best is yet to come.
46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
48. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
49. Yield.
50. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.
Jermia hopped off at 13:46
Friday, 17 September 2010
我相信大家的生活中必定会这么一些人。他们极少认同他人的看法,常看见的,是他们对别人意见的反驳。是的,别人错了correct 他们固然是好的,但是只有自己的想法是有basis, 是make sense的,别人在发表意见时就没有自己的理由,自己的sense吗?
本小姐真的开始不爽这些人了。他们不是persuade and convince别人同意自己的看法,而是force and make them agree with themselves. 就如老恺说的,“你怎么知道走错方向的是别人而不是自己呢?”你又怎么知道错的不是自己,而是别人?当然,每一个人都认为自己是对的,所以有时候要自己改变自己的看法与观点是件很困难的事。但是我们不妨多聆听他人的想法,尝试多理解一下再下定论也不迟呀。Instead of just telling them straight in the face without understanding their reasons that they are wrong or do not make sense at all. 或许某些人会认为这样有一点"fake",但是correct别人之前,我们不妨以更婉转的方式来表达,并且以less harsh的口气解释为何我们的观点与他不同,让他了解他的看法还是被尊重的,这样不是更好吗?
我必须发泄一下~ 现在终于能够继续做我的LA Unseen Prose 了 :D
Jermia hopped off at 01:06
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Wahahaha the most dreadful 3 days of the week has passed! ^^I thought I would be grumpy and sad like the past 2 days but during morning assembly Yang Laoshi walked past someoneand said "你到底有没有穿袜子呀!"I laughed like mad and became happy for rest of the day :DDLA SIA Presentation is finally over phew~ xODuring the presentation during mass lectureI could totally feel my legs and hands trembling like mad xPBecause I was distracted by my legs tremblingI did not focus while reading my scripttherefore sometimes I lost track of where I read untiland had to improvise My improvisation totally was crappy and failed laomg I shall not think about it again it's so paiseh and embarrassing x__x!I miss 204 :( JIEXI ERNTIAN CGG! T.TDuring LA lecture Jiexi told me a way (which suits me she said)to remember the reactivity series:Please Stop Calling Me A Zebra I Totally Like Hot Cute Sexy Guyswth la Jiexi! xDhow is liking hot cute and sexy guys related to being a zebra!!During Maths todayHsiuyee the hippo sneezed the hippo sneeze (super loud :P)Mr Khoo heard it and thought it was weihuithen he said "Weihui, next time when you sneeze don't laughyou should apologise or say excuse me"then we told Mr Khoo it's Hsiuyee not Weihuiso Mr Khoo said "OH sorry! It's my turn to apologise now"HAHAHA ;DD!Shumin wanted me to remind her to show Zouyan something after math lessonas you know I'm not a person with a good memory .__.llbefore Shumin forgets about it I'll be the first to forget larh x_xso I told Weihui to remind ShuminWeihui then asked Baoyi who sits beside Zouyanwhich really defeats the purpose of the reminder cos Zouyan heard it and knew about it lerh HEEHEE EPIC US :)IH Lesson on Monday was epic like usual :DDMr Tay was teaching us Globalisationfor some weird reason he began "advertising" some brands o.ohe talked about Old Chang Kee which became famousnot only for their curry puffs but other fried foods toothen he asked "Guess what Adidas starting out selling in the first place?"Minghui said "Curry Puffs!" HAHAHA OMG TAUHUEY!! ^^After that he went through an SBQ on globalisation with usIt was a speech Goh Chok Tong made in some proprobusinessmen conference and seminarhe asked us "Who do you think are the target audience of his speech?"then Haoqing said "Not us!" XDD!LOLS It's really fun and entertaining to sit near both of them ^^Ms Chee strikes back during Bio today! =DI don't know how to describe it but she was high-er than ... a few weeks/a month/2months ago :)she was like "cyto mito cyto mito cyto" heehee!We had Fudan briefing after school :)I realised Yang Laoshi has a very very good sense of humour!she talked about this girl who was late for GCPcos she went early in the morning to pray to Guan Yin Niang NiangHAHA! XD she told us many many more funny storieswhile laughingI had to pay a very heavy price (ahems) :PWhy is Mr James Tan talking to us in Chinese nowadays O.O!
Jermia hopped off at 17:27
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Yesterday our teachers were abit...not their normal selves :Xin a good way la in a good way :)maybe because it was the last day of term 3and they were happy that they made it through too xD!Mr Khoo told us that Sec 3s this year don't have to learn Statisticsthen we cheered ^^seeing this he said he was reminded of a storyabout this monkey which was not satisfied thatit had only 3 plums for lunch and 4 plums for dinnerafter that its owner told it thatit's going to have 4 plums for lunch and 3 plums for dinnerthen the monkey was so happy The moral of the story is...we don't have to learn Statistics in Sec 3but we still need to learn it in Sec 4 what! :DDhe smiled widely when he told us that he's going to give us a quizthat "I'm going to give you a quiz" smile ^^!he gave us 2 options 1. No formulas given but quiz is easy2. Formulas given but quiz is difficultThen we said we wantsome formulas given and quiz is averageAHAHAHA! I'm amazed by our ingenuity :)Mr Khoo laughed again, "You all want the best of everything ah!" XDIH was totally epicour whole class was laughing half the time ;DMr Tay was going through the TAF programme then he said"For your information, yours truly is obese too"then the whole class burst out laughingespecially Minghuishe totally can't stop laughing and her face was red like a tomato! I applaud Mr Tay's courage for admitting -claps-Seeing the whole class laughing so happilyme and Kaixuan who weren't listening -ahems- :Pasked SinlieSinlie told usKaixuan and I laughedThe whole class started laughing again!Mr Tay was giving us that .___.ll faceI think he didn't expect that all of us would be so amused xDMr James Tan was unusually happy and high too!For some reason he was smiling non-stopwhile going through with us "Girl" by Jamaica somethingsomethingBoth Mr Tan and Mr Tay gave us this feedback form to doI hope both of them can teach 308 again next year! :)They are really nice and pro teachersAfter school we went to support Zouyan's team for Create2011Weihui who wanted to give up on Zouyandecided not to after seeing pretty 嫦娥! O.Ohaiz laohui~ what should I do to make you straight again xOOn the way back home near the mrt stationI heard this man playing "Top of the world"! x3I was tired but this song made me happy again :)it never fails to give me this warm and "I'm being loved" feelingahahaha ;DInspire concert today! Went there with LaoKai, LaoShu, BaoBao and LaoHui ^^some performances really entertained me muchlike the Lucifer dance (which made alot of people scream)and another dance by I-forgot-the-group's-name o__oKaixuan and I were commenting while watching the performances
then we would laugh at each other's funny comments HAHA xD
esp the ___'s dance totally got this guy who's super epic (Y)!
The girls were screaming for him
LaoKai and I were OMG-ing O__O
LaoHui, BaoBao and LaoShu were laughing happily
LOLS!Happy 15th Birthday Minghui! 我爱你 x3
Jermia hopped off at 00:48
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Jermia hopped off at 20:43
ONE. click on those words at the bottom which says 'LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO
TWO. You can click those two last words,'Go Round' again to see the
changes as in you can still navigate with those two.
THREE. Please click accordingly to the style of the words and not click here& there or else it wouldn't work!
FOUR. Hope I have explain clear enough so now CLICK THEM PLEASEEE! xD
♥ Jermia